AVS® 370 Viscosity measuring system, set with waste system
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AVS® 370 Viscosity measuring system, set with waste system
The AVS® 370 polymer set, besides of the control system (part no. 1056509), includes all accessories for a complete measuring system, incl. waste system: After measurement, the sample is pumped from the viscometer into a waste bottle – the viscometer is rinsed without the need of removing the viscometer when changing the sample.
The filling and the waste system make the handling of the samples simpler and safer. Therefore the polymer set is recommended for all applications with hazardous samples, e.g. in polymer analytic.
Available for 1, 2 or more measuring positions.
Scope of delivery:
AVS®370 Basic unit for optical detection
VZ 8561 ViscoPump II for optical detection
CT 72/2 Transparent thermostat bath
CK 310 Flow through cooler
AVS®/SK Measuring stand, made of PVDF
VZ 8571 Instrument support for AVS®370
VZ 8523 PTFE-hose-set for “suction” mode
VZ 8601 Valve block for discharge system
VZ 8610 PTFE tube to connect vacuum pump
VZ 8630 Vaccum pump for waste system
VZ 8604 Sample filling set
VZ 8606 Waste basic set
VZ 8551 Safety device for waste bottle (fill check)
VZ 8552 Safety device for safety bottle (capacitive sensor)